Winning with Whiskers™ with Dawn Landry (AEST)

In a world filled with lots of interesting characters, what better way to relay a story about how we all have unique hardwiring...

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Winning with Whiskers™ with Dawn Landry (AEST)

connect-learn-share-logoIn a world filled with lots of interesting characters, what better way to relay a story about how we all have unique hardwiring that we use to create, cultivate, and deepen long-lasting relationships than a business fable with a giraffe, robot, entertaining sea lion, workhorse, and old dog?

Of note, each character (yes, even the robot) has whiskers.

Animals use their whiskers for sensory functions, spatial awareness, hunting and foraging, communication, balance, and orientation.
Robots use their whiskers for environmental sensing, measurement and precision, exploration, research, and enhanced autonomy.

In humans, our whiskers are not as obvious, but they are as beneficial. Our whiskers are our experiences, education, culture, diversity, and so much more. They are special to each individual, regardless of type or use.

The fable’s thought-provoking ending about which character wins the deal promises to surprise you! Bestselling Author and Storyteller, Dawn F. Landry presents her fable to us as coaches to think about and use in our coaching and workshops.

Session Learning Objectives:

  • LESSON 1: We all create relationships and influence decisions based upon our innate hardwiring. However, we must possess self-awareness to discover what our uniqueness is and how it applies to the individual across the table from us.
  • LESSON 2: With that self-awareness, and practice, all whiskers are integral in advancing us and our future business relationship successes.
  • LESSON 3: As this tale will tell, We All Have Whiskers, and We Can All Win (in life and business) with Our Special Whiskers!

About our Speaker: Landry has had a front-row seat to see the achievements and challenges of technical professionals in their relationship advancement responsibilities, especially concerning clients and business development. She has heard the rumblings of her colleagues and peers about how they do not want to sell, do not like salespeople, did not go to school to be a salesperson, and a myriad of other objections.
However, she has also witnessed firsthand that when these same technicians discover and own their relationship-building styles, they engineer the foundation for a future that impacts their career trajectory and beyond.  Author of two books, Armoured and Winning with Whiskers, Dawn is also a Gallup Accredited Coach.

Dawn’s CliftonStrengths: Input I Competition I Significance I Ideation I Individualization I Command I Self-Assurance I Strategic I Intellection I Futuristic


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