Who is Charlotte Blair?

who is charlotte blair

Meet your mentor Charlotte Blair

I’ve spent most of my life in the field of Sales for Multi Nationals such as Canon and Verizon. In 2011, after attending the Stephen Covey 7 Habits of highly effective people course, I decided my mission and purpose in life was not to be a great IT sales person.

So I pursued a career shift to one of a coach and learning and development consultant.

The first key of my journey was my ICF (International Coaching Federation) qualifications. Then, in 2013, I was on the first Accelerated Strengths Coaching Program in Sydney Australia, and also signed up for a year long Advanced Diploma in Facilitation.

The more I found out about helping people live their best lives, the more I wanted to learn. In 2013, I left Verizon and took up a role with a small Learning and Development organisation.

A year later, I took the jump and set up The Strengths Partners, a business dedicated to helping Individuals, teams and organisations discover and use their Strengths to meet business and personal objectives.

I moved from England to Australia in 2010, a (now) proud Dyslexic, mother of two amazing now adult boys, married to the same man I met at 21 at work. I live on 14 beautiful acres in the Macedon ranges with my dogs, cats, chickens, bees and a big veggie garden.

Retired Horse rider, Bee Keeper, obsession with growing herbs. A Moscato drinker – someone has to be. My claim to fame – I used to go and play at Joan Collins’s house (before she was in Dynasty) I am known as the bionic woman with lots of titanium plates and screws in my ribs after breaking 7 of them (hence retired horse rider).


Gallup Accredited
Strengths Coach

NGlobal Certified Coach 2013
N Advanced CliftonStrengths Coaching 2016
NEngaging Champions 2017
NCliftonStrengths Discovery Train the Trainer 2018
NBoss to Coach 2019

ICF Accredited Coach

Professional Certified Coach (ACC)

Herrmann Brain
Accredited Consultant